Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! It's finally here!!! Goodbye 2014 and HELLO 2015! I can't wait to see what adventures and fun this year has in store for me. I am also excited to kick off my 365 days of happy challenge! Finding the happy and positive in every day. It can't be that hard right? We all have so much to be thankful for but sometimes we are so blinded by the bad that we don't realize what is right in front of us. This is going to make me (and you if you choose to do it with me!) have to push through the fog of not so great so that I can see the good in every day. If anything it's another day that The Lord blessed me with here on earth right? 
Today I have a couple happy moments from yesterday as well. 
1. I had so much fun last night with my best friend getting to rid together the crummy year we both had and welcome 2015 with wide open arms. 
2. I have some of the greatest coworkers ever. They saw that I was just pooped today from being out late last night and they worked their butts off so that I didn't have to do a whole lot when I closed by myself. 
I hope everyone had an amazing New Year's Eve and that this year is everything you hope it will be and more. Happy new year! 
And don't forget to choose happy! 

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