Monday, January 12, 2015

Back on

I can't believe I've missed 3 days! I'm so sad. Well not that sad but you know what I mean. I have had a lot of happy in the last three days. I got to go to coin jam on the 10th with a friend I've had since middle school. Whenever we hang out we always have a good time. The 11th I got to go welcome old friends into their new house, celebrate my cousin and my uncles birthdays and go bowling with my best friend and some new friends. And today I went to church and got to spend the rest of the day watching football and the Golden Globes in my sweats. Choosing happy so far hasn't been to hard! And I'm still looking for it every day and it is defiantly making my days so much better. Are you still choosing happy? 

1 comment:

  1. Happy to still be choosing happy with you! Loves!
