Thursday, January 22, 2015

Maybe I should set an alarm.

I can't believe I haven't posted in 6 days! Maybe I should set an alarm on my phone to remind me to post my happy moment from the day! I've still been choosing happy even in the bad days. I am going to make sure I stick to this and post every day. It's easier to remember that way lol. Today my happy moment comes from a friend of my moms. She works with my mom and they often (like moms do) talk about their kids. Today I got a package in the mail with a beautiful painting of Jesus holding s little African boy with the story of the picture on the back. With this was a letter from my moms friend that she works with telling me how she loves this picture and hearing about my heart for Africa thought I would love it to. God works in funny ways, I had an off day yesterday and was feeling a little on the worthless side today and I get this encouraging letter and beautiful painting in the mail from someone that only knows me through my mom. God is good and he reminds me in the most beautiful ways that choosing happy is worth it. 

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