Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thank God for the cloud

My happy moment today came from a not so happy moment. 
  So today I plug my iPhone 5s into my computer to update it and take some music off of it and add some new stuff.  My phone syncs and then it asks me do you want to upgrade to the ios8 blah blah blah. I click yes and on our way we go. Well my computer is old and a piece of crap and so when there is 1 sec left in the downloading process my computer decides it can no longer detect my device and stops the update. So I unplug my phone and nothing happens. Try to turn it on and it shows a picture saying I need to connect it to iTunes. Great. So I try again and it is now telling me that it has to be restored to factory settings meaning: everything on my phone, pictures, music, apps everything. Is goingn to be deleted. Now 2014 was a horrible year, but the few pieces of happy that it had for me, those pictures were on my phone. So now I'm basically in tears knowing that I am loosing those moments. So I try literally 6 times to update my phone restore it to factory setting everything and it won't do it. Finals I turn my computer off for the 3rd time unplug my cord and if it into a different USB outlet on my laptop and try again. The update works, so now at least I have a cell phone again. Then it asks me if I would like to say this is a new iPhone or sync it with an iCloud account. I think we'll let's give it a go, sync with iCloud account. It asks for my Apple ID and password and says it loading. 5 minutes later, every text, picture, app and song are magically back on my phone! I was so happy it was stupid. When my phone synced it also did an automatic save and sync to my iCloud and everything was saved. If was a VERY happy moment :) 

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