Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Days of Happy Challenge

I don't know about you, but 2014 was just not my year!  A lot happened that I had no control over, but a lot happened that I did have control over when it came to my attitude.  I promised myself that no matter what I was going to do everything in my power to make 2015 the best year yet.  So part of that for me is deciding to see the positive in everything!  This isn't something that is super easy for me.  I'm not a negative person but when things are hard and rough, it is hard for me to see any good in the situation.  So for 2015 I am going to 
Every single day this year I am going to blog about at least one good thing that happened.  We should be able to look at every day and find the positive!  Situations are as good or as bad as we make them and I am determined to make more of my situations good because of my attitude then bad.  I would LOVE for you to go on this journey with me.  Comment on my posts with your happy moment from the day, start your own 365 days of happy journal and write down your happy moment (or moments) from each day.  It doesn't have to be a page long entry, it can be a sentence, a story whatever you want it to be!  On July 1, 2015 six months into the challenge I want to hear how life is.  I want to know if you think I"m crazy that I ever though this would make my life happier or if you think it's the greatest idea I've ever had, and I will do the same.  I hope at least a couple of you will embark on this fun and happy New Years resolution with me.  I cant wait to see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. You know how happy this makes my heart. There have been some dark days in 2014, but you have managed to find some happy in there too. I love that you are being purposeful in this. Choosing happiness is sometimes a difficult task. Sometimes you have to dig deep past the yuk to find that glimmer of happy. This past year, I've seen happiness creep up on you when you least expected it. The soft little giggle of a 3 year old girl in the cardiac wing of the hospital. The roar of laughter in a moment remembered with a dear old friend. A song. A book. A look. A brother; a sister. I have a funny feeling that you will look back at the year 2015 and see all the bits of happiness that you have spilled onto others lives - without even knowing it. Barbara Bull used to remind us that "you can't spill what you don't carry". Finding joy, choosing happy, each and every day - it can't help but start to seep out your pores and find its way to everyone around you. Looking forward to reading your blog and choosing happy with you. xoxoxo
