Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sushi, Powell's & Portland

Today didn't start off great. I got scheduled to work on my day off. I had to stay late and had to cancel and change around some plans because of it. But my plans to go to portland with my friend Alisa did not change. We decided that we were going to go get sushi for dinner and then head to Portland to go to Powell's book store. It was just so much fun!! Powell's always makes me choose happy. Going to Powell's is like going to therapy for me. But then to get to go and goof off and have a good time sixth Alisa just made it so much better! We then decided to go on an adventure around Portland and tried some new things. It was a very easy evening to choose happy. 

We are almost a full month in!!! Hope everyone reading is still looking to find the happy in every day! 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Super Bowl week

So I have a friend that is equally as obsessed and in love with the Seahawks as I am and ale very day this week she has sent me a different video/article about my boys. It's the best morning text EVER! Makes me start every morning off happy. There is only 3 DAYS LEFT till THE BEST DAY OF THE YEAR! My excitement level is through the roof 😁

Thursday, January 29, 2015

On the hunt

So it's no secret that I don't love my job. So today I went into craigslist and started to look for places that are hiring for a receptionist or administrative assistant, basically anything in an office. Although I hate writing cover letters and sending out my resume, it felt good to be proactive and try and move my life in a happier direcrion. Heard back from a couple places, hoping to have some interviews by the end of the week! Just have to keep remembering to choose happy :) 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Yesterday I went to my first bible study since the new year. I had been going last year and we took a break for Christmas and then this year I missed the first couple because of work. So last night I was able to swing it and I was so blessed by everyone. People were excited to see me, I missed the community and little family bond we had made I our previous study. It was awesome to go back and feel loved and welcomed. My bible study group defiantly made my happy moment yesterday. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Iowa is so far away

My happy moment today lives in Iowa. Her name is Kelsey and she is truly an amazing woman. She knows what I need exactly when I need it and she always puts a smile on my face. Today she was exactly what I needed and made me smile. She's an amazing woman of God and I miss her terribly. Iowa is lucky to have her.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thank God for DAYS OFF!

My happy moment today was waking up knowing that I had not a dang thing to do! No work, no plans, a day full of possibilities (or catching up on all my shows). It was glorious 

Good friends make the world go round

Yesterday was a very long day, had to open at work, things were crazy busy and it was out of control. But last night I got to hang out with some pretty rad people that make me pretty happy about life. Good company, good friends what more could I need? 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Who would have thought

Today I didn't have to work till 5PM some had the entire afternoon to myself. I decided that I was going to clean the house and make myself brunch. I cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed the living room and dining room and made homemade cinnamon rolls with scrambled eggs and coffee. It was so relaxing! I hate HATE cleaning but after it was done and I was eating my food it was very rewarding to look at the nice clean house. Plus I got to share brunch with my best friend. She always makes it easy for me to choose happy! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Maybe I should set an alarm.

I can't believe I haven't posted in 6 days! Maybe I should set an alarm on my phone to remind me to post my happy moment from the day! I've still been choosing happy even in the bad days. I am going to make sure I stick to this and post every day. It's easier to remember that way lol. Today my happy moment comes from a friend of my moms. She works with my mom and they often (like moms do) talk about their kids. Today I got a package in the mail with a beautiful painting of Jesus holding s little African boy with the story of the picture on the back. With this was a letter from my moms friend that she works with telling me how she loves this picture and hearing about my heart for Africa thought I would love it to. God works in funny ways, I had an off day yesterday and was feeling a little on the worthless side today and I get this encouraging letter and beautiful painting in the mail from someone that only knows me through my mom. God is good and he reminds me in the most beautiful ways that choosing happy is worth it. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Water bed

Today wasn't one of the best. Work sucked, which made the day suck and it was a lot of suck. So My happy moment today is very simple. It was the pleasure of knowing that when I was off work I had a heated water bed waiting for me with open arms. It was pure magic to crawl into. Happiest part of my day 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Adventure is around the corner

I love adventures. They are literally my favorite thing ever. Tonight I am going on an adventure! Me and some friends are headed to a late night hot springs session. There is really nothing better then the spontaneous decision to drive to the middle of the forest and walk to a hot spring. I love being able to just pick up and go. I'm also glad that I get to go on these adventures with new and old friends. It's a good night to be happy! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My perfectly imperfect happy

When someone (like me) says "choose happy" what does that make you think? 
Does it make you think you can't be upset? Or that when you are it's going to go away if you just choose to think happy thoughts? Does it piss you off? Does the statement in and of itself in fact make you happy? I wish I could say that I came up with this whole concept by myself, but in fact it was (and is) my beautiful mother that shoved "choosing happy" down my throat. It's her saying. Growing up, she's always told us to "choose happy". Last year, that simple phrase of two words ticked me off to high heaven. When my mom or anyone else said it I would think "don't you think I'm trying? Do you think I want to be sad, bitter, upset and a little more sad?" It was my least favorite saying in the entire world. Things sucked and I thought (key word) choosing happy was impossible when everything was crap. 
Looking back on the year I realized choosing happy wouldn't have been so hard, if I wasn't focused purely on the bad. A lot of great things happened last year, my brother graduated high school, my dad got an amazing job, my cousin had a beautiful healthy baby, I was part of an amazing ministry. The list goes on and on.  
This year has only been 13 days. They haven't been perfect, things still suck. I still have heart failure and diabetes. I'm still living at home (sorry mom), I'm at a job I don't love, life is no where near perfect but today my happy moment is realizing that life will never be perfect, things are ALWAYS going to suck. But life is what you make it and if you dwell purely on the crap, then you are going to think that life is crap. But if you choose to see the good and focus more on that then anything, then the bad days, aren't going to seem so bad, or be so hard to get through. 
I like choosing happy, and I'm glad that what I thought was wrong. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Oregon Proud

Today was my last day off until the weekend. And I spent it laying in bed, cuddling my best friends dog and watching the Oregon Vs. Ohio State game with my family. It was a wonderful day. I am and always will be a Beaver fan but more then that I am a fan of my state. And even though I hate the ducks I was rooting for them today, rooting for my state. It wasn't the best game for Oregon but they should still be so proud of the team that they are and how far they came. More then anything I just loved hanging out with my family, laughing, making fun of each other and enjoying ones company. It was defiantly a great night :) 

Back on

I can't believe I've missed 3 days! I'm so sad. Well not that sad but you know what I mean. I have had a lot of happy in the last three days. I got to go to coin jam on the 10th with a friend I've had since middle school. Whenever we hang out we always have a good time. The 11th I got to go welcome old friends into their new house, celebrate my cousin and my uncles birthdays and go bowling with my best friend and some new friends. And today I went to church and got to spend the rest of the day watching football and the Golden Globes in my sweats. Choosing happy so far hasn't been to hard! And I'm still looking for it every day and it is defiantly making my days so much better. Are you still choosing happy? 

Friday, January 9, 2015


I didn't get this out yesterday so today we will have 2 posts! 
Yesterday my happy moment came from a car ride to good old Monmouth Oregon. I had to run an errand and drove to monmouth yesterday and I completely forgot how absolutely beautiful the drive from Salem to Monmouth is. I also got to have the best teriyaki chicken in the world from Yangs Teriyaki. It was the little things yesterday that kept the smile on my face and helped me to continue to choose happy! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thank God for the cloud

My happy moment today came from a not so happy moment. 
  So today I plug my iPhone 5s into my computer to update it and take some music off of it and add some new stuff.  My phone syncs and then it asks me do you want to upgrade to the ios8 blah blah blah. I click yes and on our way we go. Well my computer is old and a piece of crap and so when there is 1 sec left in the downloading process my computer decides it can no longer detect my device and stops the update. So I unplug my phone and nothing happens. Try to turn it on and it shows a picture saying I need to connect it to iTunes. Great. So I try again and it is now telling me that it has to be restored to factory settings meaning: everything on my phone, pictures, music, apps everything. Is goingn to be deleted. Now 2014 was a horrible year, but the few pieces of happy that it had for me, those pictures were on my phone. So now I'm basically in tears knowing that I am loosing those moments. So I try literally 6 times to update my phone restore it to factory setting everything and it won't do it. Finals I turn my computer off for the 3rd time unplug my cord and if it into a different USB outlet on my laptop and try again. The update works, so now at least I have a cell phone again. Then it asks me if I would like to say this is a new iPhone or sync it with an iCloud account. I think we'll let's give it a go, sync with iCloud account. It asks for my Apple ID and password and says it loading. 5 minutes later, every text, picture, app and song are magically back on my phone! I was so happy it was stupid. When my phone synced it also did an automatic save and sync to my iCloud and everything was saved. If was a VERY happy moment :) 

Prince Farming

So yesterday I had to close at work and missed the premier of The Bachelor (yes I love this trashy tv show). Well all I can say is thank you Lord for on demand with comcast. Today I watched the entire 3 hour premier with the handsome prince farming himself Chris Souls and good lawd am I happy he's the new bachelor!! Can't wait for the rest of this season with all the crazy women and this handsome man! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My best friend

Today my happy moment is spending the night with my best friend. We've both had a hard year and every time I'm with her I am absolutely amazed by her strength. She is fighting through so much and I am just so unbelievably proud to call her my best friend. Nothing better then watching friends, drinking slurpees, eating smart pop and cuddling with the dog. Nights like these remind me that you can always find happy in the little moments ❤️

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Home sweet home

My happy moments today are short and sweet. 
1. Sleeping in my own bed tonight 


Need I say more?? 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I left my heart in San Francisco

Today was the best way ever to spend the first weekend of 2014. Lucy and I slept in, got ready and headed to San Fran and spent the entire day there. We did everything on our list if things to do. Saw the Golden Gate Bridge 

Went to Fishermans Wharf 

Had lunch and walked around China town 

Went to see the Painted Ladies (where the opening scene if full house was filmed). Sorry it's so dark. We also rocked out to the Full House theme song while we were here 

And finally went to Haight and Ashbury

We also took the bus like pros, walked everywhere you could imagine, lost the parking garage we parked the car in, cried tears of joy when we found it, bought souvenirs and drove down Lombard street (Windiest road). To top it off we are happily in bed before 10. What good is a getaway if you go home more tired then you were when you left!? 
Headed home tomorrow, sad to leave but so thankful for the weekend we had! 
Hope everyone is still choosing happy in their day 3! I know I am!  

Friday, January 2, 2015

Coming to you from the pacific highway

Today Lucy and I started our year of adventures and hit the road headed to San Francisco! Just going for the weekend but the adventure is so worth it! We are having so much fun! Lots of boy band rocking and old school Miley singing in the car. Already stopped and had In-N-Out for dinner and have about 2 hours left till we hit our destination. My whole day has been a happy moment, making memories with Lucy that we will NEVER forget! Can't wait to see what other fun and exciting memories we make tomorrow in the city of San Francisco! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! It's finally here!!! Goodbye 2014 and HELLO 2015! I can't wait to see what adventures and fun this year has in store for me. I am also excited to kick off my 365 days of happy challenge! Finding the happy and positive in every day. It can't be that hard right? We all have so much to be thankful for but sometimes we are so blinded by the bad that we don't realize what is right in front of us. This is going to make me (and you if you choose to do it with me!) have to push through the fog of not so great so that I can see the good in every day. If anything it's another day that The Lord blessed me with here on earth right? 
Today I have a couple happy moments from yesterday as well. 
1. I had so much fun last night with my best friend getting to rid together the crummy year we both had and welcome 2015 with wide open arms. 
2. I have some of the greatest coworkers ever. They saw that I was just pooped today from being out late last night and they worked their butts off so that I didn't have to do a whole lot when I closed by myself. 
I hope everyone had an amazing New Year's Eve and that this year is everything you hope it will be and more. Happy new year! 
And don't forget to choose happy!