Saturday, February 14, 2015

My funny valentine

Today has been one of the best Valentines Day ever. I am in Iowa with one of my best friends and we did nothing! Made brunch drank mimosas, watched chick flicks and napped. It was perfection. Then this evening we went out to dinner at Buffalow Wild Wings and watched some of the the All Star action. What more could you possibly ask for??? Happy happy happy :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Oh how I've missed you

Today I got to sleep in and then spend the entire day with Kelsey. It was son wanderfuk. No bad part about my day. I currently love being in Iowa :) 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reunited and it feels so good.

Ina Today I was finally reunited with one of my best friends! 

I am now in Waverly Iowa! Today we went to the Mall of America in Miniappolis and hung out before driving 3 hours home talking, catching up and rocking out like we used to. I've missed her dearly and am so blessed by her! Can't wait to spend the week with her! 

No turning back now


That is all. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thankful for the day

Today was an all around decent day. I got everything done that needed to be done. Work wasn't awful. I had bible study which was great chilled with Rolf and Sted and hung out with my favorite girl. Not a lot to complain about. Thankful for what/who I have in my life and looking back on the day I have so much to be thankful for. My whole day was a happy moment :) 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monday Monday Monday

Normally Monday's are the worst. I thought it was gonna be crummy cause I woke up late and that always screws you up. But my happy moment today come from the CEF of Oregon office. I'm so glad that there is a place for me to go and get everything I need printed and ready to go for my support letter and that there are people willing to help me. All my support letters are stuffed and in labeled envelopes ready to go! Can't wait to get them out in the next two days! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

6,7 & 8

This is my catch up post for the past three days. 
2/6/15 - my happy moment from today was getting almost all my addresses for my support letter and getting them written down and mostly organized. Makes me one step closer! 

2/7/15 - my happy moment from today was going out with some great friends and just having a ball on the dance floor looking like fools. 

2/8/15 - today my best friend came to church with me, we got Sunday dinner and I got all of my labels done! I am beyond tired but I am so glad that part is done so we are one step closer! 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Not so lucky

Well tonight as I was driving home from my friends my car started freaking out. The check engine light has been on so I just assumed it was that. Then as I pulled into the driveway I realized that the car is tilting. I get out to inspect the car and someone slashed my tire and I drove home on a bare tire. No wonder I couldn't exceed 15 mph. The happy is that I made it home safe. Not sure what is gonna happen to the car. Freakin sucks 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Back me up

Today my happy moment is hearing from people that they have my back and are going to support me as I start this new life and new adventure. It feels good to know that people have my back and are supporting me. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What Gatsby?

Today's happy moment is short and sweet. 


Favorite book, wonderful movie. It was the happiest part to my day and the best way to end it. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Leaps and bounds

My happy moment today is kind of a big deal! So I've been trying to get to portland to work full time for a no profit called CEF. I haven't been working as hard on my support raising as I need to and today I went to Portland to meet with the director and the team they have up there. As we are talking it is decided that they want me there in 1 MONTH! February is going to be a hard month as I have to raise all of my support but with Christ ALL THINGS are possible. I'm so excited for this huge step. God is going to do amazing things in my life if I just keep remembering to give it all to him. As long as I put in the hard work Christ will take care of the rest! I'm very excited for this exciting new chapter in my life! Full time ministry HERE I COME!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl 49

Well as a die hard Seahawks can today was a horrible dissapointment. I of course still love my team and my boys. But my attitude sucked after the game (still does cant lie) but this video is my happy moment today. Watch. You will understand

Your welcome 

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Yesterday I actually had a good day at work. It was me and my jambs girls and we just decided to make work a party! It made it so much easier to choose happy when I wasn't miserable at work. Then I went to the beach and had a bonfire and just got to chill with friends. It was an easy day to choose happy.